Spirited - Ghost World

Content Development

Yeah. So this is a musical that takes place that takes place in the extended Dickens-verse. And not like a sensitive Muppets Christmas Carol type musical but a big, brash, theatrical, full on Broadway type musical. And this was our biggest brashest most musically set. So we went for it. Welcome to Ghost World.

We built this set in a 17th century meeting house in Boston. The first thing we had to figure out was just how was what are the elements we need for the dance numbers and how was all of this going to fit inside of this very old and very historical building place. There had been some early concept art with lots of stairs and a very Busby Berkley feel to it, so we started there. We quickly established 5 main areas: the entrance, the entrance to the hall of miracles, the control center, and big stair units on either side.

As we started fleshing out the set, we found that we needed a little more pomposity and grandeur than the location was giving us, so we decided to cover up more of the location than we had planned and make a whole meal out of both the entrance elevation and the hall of miracles entrance. The grander and more theatrical we went, the better it worked.


In Depth: Laszlos Apartment


In Depth: Klingon Sarcophagus Ship